Gary Semics

Jul 10 at 05:09 PM

Jeff Smith I’m glad it helped Jeff. Yes you want to keep your knees against the bike but light enough for them to row, also. 

As for the bike not keeping straight, this is corrected with upper body movement from side to side. A good example is The Daytona SX video that was posted on May 23. It’s in the Other Motocross Videos category. Watch the pros going through the sand rollers, shot from a front, side view. This is about 3/4 in the video. 

Jun 23 at 10:27 AM

Hi Josh, Setting the idle a little higher is one thing that may help. I think it may be more clutch related. I'm assuming that you're disengaging the clutch in the slow part of the corner. However, the lever may not be disengaging it all the way. Adjust the clutch out a little more. Let us know if that fixes your stalling issue? 

May 19 at 10:28 PM

Jeff, I think you meant to say… to prevent the back end from kicking up. These types of short, steep jumps will definitely kick the back end up. Therefore, causing the front end to drop. Timing, with the throttle and body movement is critical in order to even the rear and front out off of the jump. You have to accelerate and nudge your body back on the rebound of the jump. 

Since the jump face is short and steep, the front will rebound first while the rear is still compressed. This means that the front is airborne as the rear rebounds. If you don’t throttle on and move back at the right time and the right amount you will do a nose dive. If you do it too much you will do an air wheelie. 

The shorter and steeper the jump and the faster and harder you hit it, the more precise you have to be. 

I remember one National back in 79, when I was racing for Honda. There were 2 jumps that it took all my grip strength to not get the bars ripped from my hands. Writing this reminded me about that race. 

Replied on PDF Files and CDs

May 01 at 09:42 AM


Hello again Seth, 

I have added the two CDs and the Motocross Practice Manual in a new category. It's the next to last cat. Click "Resources" under either video play screen to download the Practice Manual.  I tried to make the two CDs, now videos, downloadable, as the MX Practice Manual is, but Uscreen's software won't allow it. 

Let me know how it works for you. 

Replied on PDF Files and CDs

Apr 22 at 09:30 AM


I am putting, adding the CDs on my to do list. I want to edit them and add more then one photo. I should get this done in two or three weeks. I'm currently working on a new video and shooting more vids for the future. 

Thanks for asking,



Apr 21 at 02:39 PM

Hi Jeff, 

The best way to tackle these types of rollers is to jump in a wheelie and get your front wheel just over the top of each one. This way your rear wheel will keep driving you forward. Depending on the rollers, your rear wheel may never really leaves the ground. There is also a lot of rowing action with your body movement to make it smooth.  Let me know if this works better for you and/or you have anymore questions. 

Commented on PDF Files and CDs

Apr 21 at 02:33 PM

Hi Seth,

The PDFs for the Training Manuals are under the video play screen.  Click “Resources” to access and download. 

This is the way to find all PDFs. If the resources button does not show up, it does not contain a PDF. I’m still working on adding more.

Now that you have asked about the audio cds I will look into adding them. I don’t think this new streaming platform can have an audio file without the video. If so, I could add some photos in place of the video. Would that work for you or do you like to listen while driving? 

Replied on Elbow struggles

Apr 10 at 08:53 AM

Hearing from riders like you keeps me motivated! If you have any more questions or news let me know. 


Mar 28 at 10:36 AM

These methods have helped so many of my riders gain confidence, especially in Rhythm Jumps. 

Commented on Elbow struggles

Mar 25 at 01:28 PM

Hi JW, 

Thanks for asking. It all begins with your hands. If your hands are positioned correctly your arms and shoulders will follow. When you’re practicing stay aware of your hands instead of your elbows. If you do this enough it will reprogram the old default. Keep me posted with your progress!Â