Jeff Smith

Belleville, IL, United States

Jul 08 at 10:47 AM

Hi Gary, 

That suggestion really helped. On the same topic of rollers, you mentioned the rowing motion. I understand the upper body movement during this but what about my knees? Should I still be firmly gripping with my knees or should I relax them a little to allow them to row also? Also, my bike will sometimes shoot left or right. I assume that is body position? How do I correct for that if less say the bike shoots left?

May 20 at 07:36 AM


Thanks. That was exactly what I was meaning. And glad I could trigger some memories. Speaking of memories, I'm really gonna miss our annual road trip. The boys and I had a lot of good times going to your classes.



May 18 at 01:51 PM

Hi Gary. We have a track section that consists of three doubles that get progressively longer. It is a relatively high speed section (3rd gear on 1st 4th on last two jumps). The jumps are about 3 to 4 foot tall with kind of a steep face. The take off tends to kick the rear end up. Is there an adjustment in body position that should be made to prevent the back end down?



Apr 21 at 11:28 AM

Hi Gary, several of the tracks by us have roller sections. In classes with you we covered whoops by skimming or jumped through. These are randomly spaced too far apart for me to skim and not large enough to double them. I'm not sure how to attack them.